Hope you are all well.
I have been busy working on a new design ..... not sure what to call it yet BUT am sure something will come to me before I finish it.
It has a big painted then stitched panel across the width of the quilt...I will give you a peek at each end of the design today and the middle section in a couple of days when I do a bit more of the stitching.
I am going away with a group of ladies this weekend called "quilters of the big room" to a local retreat. So I will take my panel and the patchwork section to work on in "peace" for a couple of days and hopefully nearly complete it.
I may even call upon you ladies to help with the naming of my quilt if I can't come up with something.....maybe a pattern of the quilt as the prize....ummmmm. sounds like a good idea......watch my site over the new couple of weeks to see the finished project and see what you can come up with.
Until then take care.
Kerry xx